Omari Supported Housing Scheme
Qualityaccommodationfor our members
Omari Supported Housing Scheme provides quality accommodation to meet the needs of African Caribbean individuals with mental health issues. The scheme provides a package of support to prevent unnecessary hospitalisation, often referred to within mental health as the ‘revolving door syndrome’ and encourage self sufficiency.
The service operates across 4 separate sites in the South West of Wolverhampton and provides a total of 23 supported housing units for tenants requiring assertively managed/dual diagnosis services, intensively supported, semi-independent, and shared housing accommodation. Omari offers a truly holistic service that addresses the psychological, emotional, physical, spiritual and cultural needs of those accessing this service.
We are a Members of: The West Midlands Care Association, Skills For Care, Black Country Registered Managers Network and Institute of Health & Social Care Management
What is Omari Supported Housing Scheme?

Floating Support Scheme
Our Floating support scheme is not linked to accommodation and is not normally provided by a person’s landlord. Irrespective of a person’s housing situation an individual might need support with issues such as budgeting, life skills, drug or alcohol misuse, avoiding re-offending behaviour etc. Omari Housing can offer the Floating Support Service as a standalone service without providing or arranging accommodation linked to individual support.

Strong Service
Bespoke support for members
We provide a variety of support housing accommodation tailored to our members needs. These range from semi-independent to shared hosting accommodation.
Strong partnership
Productive cooperation
Working in collaboration with Nehemiah Housing (NH) to improve the lives of our members, NH provide a landlord service to enable us to provide quality housing for our members recovering from mental ill health.
Strong results
Delivering good quality services
Our services are rated ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).