We want to reassure you when accessing support from ACCI that we are following guidance issued by Public Health England and working closely with our staff and members to update our protocols. We are acting on the best advice to enable our services to continue to operate during the pandemic and protect you.
Hygiene guidance for members & employees
- Frequently wash your hands.
- Use hand sanitizer on entering and leaving the wellbeing hub and the Omari Supported Housing residences.
- Staff are required at the offices and residential units to engage in frequent cleaning focussing particularly on external doors, workspaces and communal areas.
Guidance around ACCI’s group activities
- Group activities are currently suspended until further notice and will be reviewed on an on-going basis. However, as a member we encourage you to look out for each other and call other members to find out how they are doing. Please notify the Hub or contact a member of staff if you identify another member needs support.
- In the interest of other members and the general public, you are advised to minimise your meetings at the Wellbeing Hub. Please stay away from the centre, if you feel unwell mentally or physically. You are requested to call the wellbeing hub for support if necessary. Please self-isolate if you show or suspect any symptoms of Covid-19.
Guidance for outreach support
- Outreach services and other requests for support is still available but will initially be assessed on an on-going basis to protect both you and staff. Prior to an Outreach visit, employees are required to call members to identify if there are any symptoms and appropriate decision will then be taken.
- Contact made with local church group who will provide food bank service if and when appropriate.
Guidance around after-hours support
- As a member you have a 24 hour and after hours support through 01902 425561 where the duty officer will contact the on-call duty manager to arrange appropriate actions to address your concerns.
Guidance around ACCI’s counselling services
- Our Counselling services will continue with a greater emphasis on telephone counselling, where appropriate.
Fitness & Wellbeing Hub
- You are advised to maintain activities that promote good wellbeing. Such as keeping active, well hydrated and good nutrition.
- The Wellbeing Hub is closed to the Public, however staff are on site 3 days a week to support members and:
- Support your care needs and concerns to cope with the stress of the current times.
- Support vulnerable members by providing cooked meals to their homes. Meals are dropped at homes with due regard to social distancing protocols.
- Provide daily welfare checks pre-arranged by phone or social media calls, to ensure you are keeping well and safe.
Guidance around Omari Supported Housing
- The supported housing units are closed to the public and social visits except on official business from the security services, medical services and other support services.